The Atlanta Lawyer - Official Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association Dec | Page 26

section update Estate Planning & Probate Section Update By Robert E. Turner, Chair Turner Law, P.C. [email protected] O ur section was fortunate to have Kathleen Womack of Kathleen Womack, PC, speak at our Wednesday, November 13 breakfast meeting at the Buckhead Club. Ms. Womack spoke on same-sex and non-married couples estate planning and related issues. The topic was particularly relevant since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions in U.S. v. Windsor, 133 S.Ct. 2675 (2013), and Hollingsworth v. Perry, 133 S.Ct. 2652 (2013). The area of estate tax, income tax and social security law is rapidly adapting due to the Supreme Court’s decisions this year. The Official Code of Georgia 19-3-3.1 prohibits same-sex marriage. However, under federal law, if a same-sex couple is married in a state where same sex marriage is recognized and later move to a state that does not recognize samesex marriage, the marriage will be recognized limited to the federal law in such a state for estate and income tax purposes. Our speakers at our monthly breakfasts are generous with their research and materials and these materials ca