The Atlanta Lawyer - Official Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association Dec | Page 19
On November 15, 2013, the Business & Finance Section hosted a Breakfast at Troutman Sanders, LLP. Shown from left to
right are C. Stephen Bigler (Richards, Layton & Finger), Vice Chair/Chair-Elect David Ghegan (Troutman Sanders, LLP)
and Greg Williams (Richards, Layton & Finger). Bigler and Williams spoke on “Delaware Law Update.”
On November 20, 2013, the Elder Law Section hosted a
Breakfast at the Buckhead Club. Shown from left to right are
Elder Law Section Chair Jay Fox and Professor Mary Radford
(Georgia State University College of Law). Professor Radford
spoke on “The Varying Degrees of Capacity: Discussing the
Spectrum from Testamentary Capacity Through the Capacity
to Contract-Legal Theory and Case Law.”
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
On November 21, 2013, the Sole Practitioner Small Firm
Section hosted a Breakfast at the Buckhead Club. Shown from
left to right are Rex Smith (Henning Mediation) and Section
Chair James Attwood (The Attwood Firm, LLC). Smith spoke
on “The Tone & Tenor of Mediation.”
December 2013