blast from the past : 1990
the impact of drugs on courts winning thE flame for phoenix
object of settlement week is settlement
This article will focus upon the impact of the substance abuse problem on Georgia ' s judiciary and correction systems . The purpose is to present the available raw data concerning the current number of drugs and drug related cases relative to prior years , to evaluate the impact of the steadily rising drug crime rate on the resources of the judicial and correction systems , to consider what that impact will be if no action is taken to address the substance abuse problem , and to make suggestions for possible solutions .
The experience in the Atlanta judicial circuit will be the basis for evaluating the impact of the substance abuse problem on the judicial system throughout georgia , particularly on the supreme courts . Discussions among members of the Georgia council of Superior Court judges reveal that the Atlanta circuit experience is not unique either , it is illustrative of a situation which exists in every one of the state ' s judicial circuits . The severity of the increase in caseload brought about by drug problems is proportionally the same or very nearly the same in every circuit .
16 October / November 2022
Their contributions were as big as traveling the world to lobby and as small as packing gifts for IOC members . Some drew directly o their legal experience to draft legislation and review contracts .; for others , nothing in their careers had prepared them for their roles they played . Some worked within the confimes f their job ; others had the support of their firms ; some labored almost entirely on their own . When the good news came from Tokyo and Atlanta ' s Olympic bid committee returned for their triumphant ticker tape parade ., amny of the heores the city saluted were layers .
Kevin Gallagher , a litigator with Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker , quotes and Ambrose Bierce ' s definition of a litigant : " A person about to give up his skin for the hope of retaining his bones ." As every attorney knows , it ' s getting harder to acquire an opportunity to give up one skin . With a backlog of criminal cases to adjudicate , the courts are leaving attorneys and civil cases to cool their heels outside the courtroom door .
The irony is that most cases are settled outside that door . Fulton County Superior Court Administrator Sanford J . Jones estimates the nationally only 4-6 % of the civil suits filed ever go to trial . Often , though , there is little incentive to settle until the pressure of a trial forces the party to be reasonable . The Atlanta Bar Association is sponsoring its second settlement week to urge some of the cases ow pending in Fulton County courts .