Entertainment Law in ATL ______________________________________________________________ “ She-Hulk : Attorney At Law ” Conquers Her enemies – And Our Hearts .
DANIELA B . BRITTON Law Clerk to the Honorable Wayne M . Purdom , Chief Judge DeKalb County State Court dbbritton @ dekalbcountyga . gov
MICHAEL R . JONES Riskonnect , Inc . michael . jones @ riskonnect . com
When She-Hulk : Attorney At Law was announced , there was a great deal of anticipation . After all , Jennifer Walters is the captain of the all-female Avengers team known as the A-Force . While She-Hulk demonstrates that the world is Jen ' s oyster with a sitcom structure , some significant swings , and a ton of cameos and fourth wall breaks , we do come close to A-Force territory , although the cinematic version of the story might not convince hard-core comic fans .
Of course , the trio of Kat Coiro ( executive producer and director ), Jessica Gao ( executive producer and head writer ), and Tatiana Maslany ( She-Hulk / Jen Walters ) deserve the bulk of the praise . Maslany is an excellent choice , and Coiro and Gao knew exactly what she would bring to the table in this role . Jen effortlessly steals our hearts with her constant relatability and by making us root for her success in navigating her day-to-day personal and professional life . Which is not always easy – although , and ironically , because she has superpowers .
In fact , the sitcom format is the ideal medium for portraying Jen , the well-educated ( Harvard ! UCLA !) prosecutor-turned-defense attorney , who is according to the script specialized in “ superhumanoriented legal cases ” ( of course !), and simply wants to blend in and perform her job duties , only to suddenly transform into a huge , green , invincible bombshell . To showcase some of the most absurd aspects of being a woman both in life ( cute and relatable : her friendship with her paralegal ) and in the courtroom , and simultaneously highlight the difficulties of having superpowers , the show creators use humor and compassion in a way that we had not seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ) before . fourth wall ” ( i . e ., characters making eye contact with the camera ) hold together well until the finale . Humor can also be used to address serious subjects , such as how sometimes the legal system appears stacked against defendants , even when ( like Abomination , played by Tim Roth ) they appear to be almost comically ( see what we did there ?) evil . Because supervillains , too , deserve skilled representation ! But Jen / She-Hulk is not only a badass attorney , she is a badass female , too . In a way that has never been seen in this genre or in the majority of mainstream superhero culture as a whole , She-Hulk : Attorney At Law confronts toxic masculinity . She-Hulk stands up and screams , “ Boys will not be boys ! Boys will be made to answer for their deeds !”; and it cannot be overstated how valuable the series is as a wholly new addition to the MCU just because of this , given the number of guys , young and old , who fervently watch the MCU . And for the first time , the essentially sexless Marvel Universe has female sexuality taking center stage , which makes it even more accessible to female watchers . After all , superheroes are for all kinds of people , so it ’ s gratifying to see a wider audience being targeted .
Marvel fans will be happy to meet familiar characters such as Wong ( Benedict Wong ), Daredevil ( Charlie Cox ), and of course Hulk ( Mark Ruffalo ), Jen ’ s cousin . And the introduction of new characters will have a significant impact on the MCU franchise ' s future . And friends of digital effects will not be disappointed , either . Last but not least , the series was filmed just south of Atlanta , in Fayetteville , Georgia at Trilith Studios . So , be aware – the next opposing counsel in your courtroom might have hidden superpowers !
The mini-series “ She-Hulk : Attorney at Law ” is available on Disney +.
The sitcom structure and the tool of repeatedly “ breaking the
14 October / November 2022