You Say You Want a Revolution : Participating and Protesting in 2020
JOSHUA SCHIFFER ChancoSchiffer Law , LLC josh @ csfirm . com
As a litigator in a pandemic , I deeply miss parties . Prancing around gaily spewing both high and moderate falutin ’ war stories . We always hope to be ready when people ask us , “ what to do when ….” and they bring up issues that every lawyer theoretically should know .
Ouch .
There are often questions relating to “ When the police …?” Outside of COVID-19 and politics , the most common conversation I ’ ve encountered in 2020 relates to the current Social Justice Movements and how folks should / could / would participate . Best practices , you could say .
Caring for our community ( It all begins with you . -Gerry Spence ) means actively living our ethics , so when requested for affirmative advice , be it by a teacher , teenager , business management or even long-time buddies , we must do our part and provide proper guidance . These actions fulfill our obligation as lawyers along with fulfilling the mission of the Atlanta Bar . What advice do we give to our friends , family , associates when it comes to the Social Justice Movement or other protests in 2020 ? Two meaningful roles each of us can fill at will are providing guidance to those seeking to be heard at protests and volunteering ourselves as professionals in furtherance of our beliefs .
20 October / November 2020