The Atlanta Lawyer October 2017 | Page 28



The 2017-2018 Atlanta Bar board year is off to a great start ! The Women in the Profession Section is celebrating our 12th year as an official section of the Atlanta Bar Association . Our group is dedicated to furthering the practice and perception of law , with a focus on issues unique to women in the practice . Throughout the year , the Women in the Profession Section ( WIP ) will host networking events to allow women lawyers to interact and develop support systems . WIP also organizes continuing education courses and other substantive programs .
Kickoff Social and Mediation CLE
WIP held its Section Kickoff Social on October 5th at Six Feet Under in West Midtown Atlanta . Dozens of people enjoyed the festive atmosphere while learning more about the WIP section and meeting this year ’ s executive board . On October 19th , WIP and JAMS Mediation partnered up for the event “ Diversity and the Power of Understanding ,” a panel discussion and reception at JAMS Atlanta . Participants learned about the deficit in diversity and inclusion in the legal landscape , and how this can directly impact the outcomes of mediations .
Upcoming Events
We are excited about two additional upcoming events . Next month , WIP will be teaming up with the Atlanta Bar Public Interest Law Section for a judicial panel . This is scheduled for Tuesday , November 7th – more details to follow . The Women in the Profession Section ’ s annual Holiday Party will be Wednesday , December 6th . Please mark your calendars and consider joining us !
Community Service Opportunities
In addition to networking opportunities and substantive programs , WIP also regularly offers community service opportunities for its members . Annual projects include assisting children of incarcerated parents , co-hosting a pro bono partnership which helps low income cancer patients with their legal needs , and fundraising for breast cancer research and awareness .
WIP Membership
Membership in WIP is open to all legal professionals , in all age groups and career stages . Our membership represents a variety of practices , from civil to criminal , judges and government lawyers , partners and law students . Annual dues are just $ 30 ; visit atlantabar . org for more details . To receive the latest WIP updates and event details , you can follow us on Facebook @ AtlantaBarWIP , on Twitter @ AtlantaBar using the hashtag # WIP , or on LinkedIn at “ Atlanta Bar Women in the Profession Section .”
Thank You Sponsors
Thank you to our sponsors JAMS and Huff , Powell , Bailey . If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities for the 2017-2018 board year , please email WIP Chair Kimberly Charles at kdcharles @ atlantalegalaid . org .
Women in the Profession Section 2017-2018 Board of Directors
Kimberly Charles , Chair Megan Hodgkiss , Chair-Elect Lisa Liang , Treasurer Laurie Rashidi-Yazd , Secretary Taylor Tribble , Immediate Past Chair Kristy Barnhart , Member at Large Meredith Carter , Member at Large Jenny Case , Member at Large Sarah Siedentopf , Member at Large Emily Ward , Member at Large Sarah White , Member at Large
Megan T . Hodgkiss Hodgkiss Consulting
mthodgkiss @ gmail . com
1 L-R : Hon . Bianca Motley Broom ( Magistrate Court of Fulton County ), Women in the Profession Section Member at Large Sarah Siedentopf ( The Law Offices of Sarah Siedentopf LLC ), Hon . Paige Reese Whitaker ( Superior Court of Fulton County ), Women in the Profession Section Chair-Elect Megan T . Hodgkiss ( Hodgkiss Consulting ), Women in the Profession Section Chair Kimberly Charles ( Atlanta Legal Aid Society , Inc .), Women in the Profession Member at Large Jennifer G . Case ( Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP ), and Women in the Profession Section Treasurer Lisa Liang ( Hon . Susan E . Edlein , State Court of Fulton County ).
2 L-R : Patti M . Richards ( The Richards Law Firm LLC ), Mary Lewis ( The Law Office of Mary Lewis LLC ), and Joan Grafstein ( JAMS ).
3 L-R : Myra Dyer ( Exponent ) and Miriam F . Gutman ( Atlanta Legal Aid Society ).
4 L-R : Talis Trevino ( Fellows LaBriola LLP ), Jill G . Byers ( The Millard Law Firm ), and Heather Carter ( Allscripts ).
5 L-R : Women in the Profession Section Treasurer Lisa Liang ( Hon . Susan E . Edlein , State Court of Fulton County ), Women in the Profession Section Chair-Elect Megan T . Hodgkiss ( Hodgkiss Consulting ), Women in the Profession Section Chair Kimberly Charles ( Atlanta Legal Aid Society ,
28 October 2017