The Atlanta Lawyer October 2016 | Page 38



By M . Regina Thomas United States Bankruptcy Court , NDGA regina _ thomas @ ganb . uscourts . gov
The Bankruptcy Section welcomed Joshua Tate of the SMU Dedman School of Law to its breakfast series on Thursday , September 22 , 2016 . Over 50 section members and guests were treated to an informative program about The History of the English Court of Chancery and the Division of Law and Equity . Professor Tate spoke about origins of equity jurisdiction , the institution of the trust and the evolution of Chancery procedures using examples of interrogatories , depositions and pleadings dating to 1300s . It was a fascinating program . The Bankruptcy Section gratefully acknowledges Dentons – Atlanta for hosting this event .
Annual Meeting with the Clerk of the United States Bankruptcy Court
Attorneys and staff are invited to attend a meeting with Regina Thomas , Clerk of Court , and members of her staff on Friday , November 4 @ 10:30AM in the Strom Auditorium , Richard Russell Federal Building and United States Courthouse . Topics include :
• Bankruptcy Forms and Rules Changes effective December 1 , 2016
• Miscellaneous Fee Changes effective December 1 , 2016
• What ' s new in CM / ECF
• Reduced Paper Module ( RPM )
• Update on revision of Local Rules
• Bench and Bar Committee News
Save the Dates
� Brown Bag Lunch & Learn – Judges ’ Panel : Framing Issues on Appeal , Tuesday , November 15 , 2016 at the Richard B . Russell Federal Building and United States Courthouse , 9th floor , 75 Ted Turner Drive . � Bankruptcy & Commercial Law Year in Review – Tuesday , December 13 at Capital City Club Downtown , 7 John Portman Drive . � Annual Spring CLE and Pollard Award Luncheon – Thursday , May 11 , 2017 at Capital City Club Downtown .
Community Programs
� Adversary Proceeding Project – An initiative that focuses on representing indigent parties in adversary proceedings . � Credit Abuse and Resistance Education ( CARE )– A nationwide program that presents financial literary education to high school students . � Georgia State University College of Law Bankruptcy Assistance & Practice Program ( BAPP )– A program that gives GSU law students the opportunity to develop practical legal skills under the guidance of volunteer mentor attorneys . � Low Income Creditor Assistance Project ( LICAP )– A program designed to provide low income judgment creditors with free legal assistance in bankruptcy cases . � The Reaffirmation Project – A mainstay program that provides free legal counsel to unrepresented debtors seeking to enter into reaffirmation agreements in bankruptcy cases . Click here for information on all of these programs .
The Officers and Board members for the 2016-2017 year are : Alison Elko Franklin ( Chair ), Jeffery Cavender ( Chair Elect ), Sage Sigler ( Treasurer ), B . Summer Chandler ( Secretary ), John W . Mills III ( Immediate Past Chair ), Vania Allen , Ron Bingham , Melissa Davey , Gregory Taube , Regina Thomas , Bruce Walker , Doroteya Wozniak ( Members at large ).

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If you have ideas or suggestions for Bankruptcy Section activities or projects , please contact any of the officers or board members . We look forward to a great year and welcome your participation .
1 Professor Joshua Tate ( SMU Dedman School of Law ). 2 L-R : Section Chair Alison Elko Franklin ( Dentons ), Professor Joshua Tate SMU Dedman School of Law ), Section Chair-Elect Jeffery Cavender ( Troutman Sanders LLP ).
38 October 2016