The Atlanta Lawyer October 2016 | Page 30

LAWYER REFERRAL & INFORMATION SERVICE American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Lawyer Referral Service Bestows Cindy A Kaisch Award The award acknowledges the unprecedented giving amount by the LRIS grant program last year, distributed in partnership with the Atlanta Bar Foundation, which supported ten worthy programs and organizations. Recipients included youth programs of the Atlanta Bar Association, such as the Summer Law Internship Program and Minority and Diversity Clerkship Program, and various pro bono service providers in the community. Many of those organizations like Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Association, Atlanta Legal Aid Society and Truancy Intervention Project, were founded or were established through collaborative support given by the Atlanta Bar Association. L-R: Lucia Keller, Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service and C. Elisia Frazier, Chair, American Bar Association Standing Committee on Lawyer Referral and Information Service The Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) has been bestowed the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Lawyer Referral Service Cindy A. Raisch Award for an outstanding LRIS program worthy of emulation. “LRIS is honored to be recognized by the American Bar Association with the receipt of the Cindy A. Raisch Award. The award recognizes LRIS for its exceptional achievement and superior service delivered to the community. Last year LRIS provided a record $200,000 in grant money to legal organizations that provide pro bono services in the Atlanta area”, stated LRIS Board of Trustees Chair Laurie Robbins. The LRIS provides the public with an organized referral service to help them get the legal assistance they need by directing them to qualified attorneys who reflect legal professionalism, integrity and a commitment to public service. The LRIS Modest Means program assists Georgia residents who are not financially eligible for Legal Aid, but who also do not have the resources to retain a private attorney at the standard market rate. The service fielded over 42,000 calls last year and generated over 14,000 referrals to qualified members of the Atlanta legal community. REFER CALLS TO lris Remember, if your firm receives those occasional calls regarding legal issues that you do not handle, please refer them to the Lawyer Referral and Information Service at: 404-521-0777 30 October 2016