5 L-R: James D. Blitch IV (Atlanta Bar Association
President), Terri D. Bryant (Atlanta Bar Association
Executive Director), The Honorable Susan E. Edlein,
and Travis T. Tygart (U.S. Anti-Doping Agency CEO).
6 L-R: S. Wade Malone (Atlanta Bar Foundation
Immediate Past President) and Margaret H. Vath
(Atlanta Bar Association Vice President).
7 L-R: Rob Rhodes (Georgia Appleseed Center for
Law and Justice) and The Honorable Sara Doyle.
8 L-R: Tiffany Tolbert (Everybody Wins! Atlanta)
and Laurie Robbins (LRIS Board of Trustees Chair).
9 L-R: Carey Kersten (Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers
Foundation) and Lauren Sudeall Lucas (Georgia
State University College of Law).
10 L-R: Michael B. Terry (Atlanta Bar Foundation
President), A. Craig Cleland (Atlanta Bar Association
Board Director), and Robert G. Wellon (Atlanta Bar
Association Past President).
October 2016
Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation
Guardian Ad Litem of the Year Award:
Brandy Alexander
Safe Families Office Firm of the Year:
Jones Day
Safe Families Office Volunteer of the Year Award:
Richard Farnsworth
Safe and Stable Homes Firm of the year:
Safe and Stable Homes Volunteer of the Year:
John H. Rains IV
Atlanta Legal Aid Society
Extraordinary Pro Bono Service Award:
Luke Lantta
Randall L. Hughes Lifetime Commitment to Legal
Services Award:
William Stanhope
Volunteer of the Year Award:
Dawn Smith