his most notable projects recruiting for the paralegal volunteer
adjunct to the AVLF Saturday Lawyer Program, as well as
recruiting a pool of paralegal volunteers to handle the Georgia
Asylum and Immigration Network’s screening and intake. His
passion for helping others motivated countless peers to do
the same. We at AVLF thank and congratulate Patrick on
receiving the 2013 Outstanding Paralegal of the Year Award,
and were proud to present this award to him at the Atlanta Bar
Association’s Celebrating Service Award Luncheon.
S. Phillip Heiner Award
The S. Phillip Heiner Award is given annually by AVLF to
honor the passion for service and dedication to justice for lowincome Atlantans that its namesake embodied throughout a
distinguished legal career. This award honors the people and
organizations that, even in a legal community that embraces
service as wholeheartedly as does ours, exhibits a surpassing
commitment to justice and the needs of fellow citizens.
Alston + Bird has long been one of AVLF’s most committed
partners across all of our programs. From the inception of
the Domestic Violence Project’s Safe Families Office in 2009,
A+B has made a standing commitment to provide volunteer
attorneys to represent survivors of family violence. In 2013,
however, that commitment became something far greater.
This year, the firm accepted an astounding 60 dom