a courthouse line
Who should come to the show?
What was worst thing that happened to you on stage?
Every member of the Bar, any Bar, will enjoy the legal themes
and inside jokes about the profession. Spouses, family
members and friends of lawyers will get most of it. Everyone will
appreciate the talent and energy of the cast and the production.
The funds raised support the good works of the Atlanta Bar
Foundation. Great show, great entertainment, great cause,
great location (14th Street Playhouse). Four shows. Don't miss
Courthouse Line X: Back in the Black.
During a rehearsal, Cathy O’Neil (our director) was trying to
show me how to do a basic dance step called the Grapevine.
As I was stepping across, I twisted my already bad right
knee and had to complete the show on crutches, which were
thereafter incorporated into my stage character. Shortly
thereafter, I had a total knee replacement.
Why do you do the show?
The Honorable
T. Jackson
Bedford, Jr.
It is an opportunity to get “out of the box” and do something
totally different from what I do on a daily basis. Also, as one
of the more “senior” members of the cast, it is great fun and
stimulating to be around and work with young lawyers who
What was your favorite are talented and energetic. I have thoroughly enjoyed all nine
character to play and shows I have been in and made great friends in the process.
Why should people come to see the show?
In addition to playing my
assigned character, who People should come see the show because it is for a
had to speak, dance (ha!) great cause, the Atlanta Bar Foundation, and because it is
and sing (ha! ha!), I also got immensely entertaining and an opportunity to see some truly
to play a dead person in a talented lawyers (and some not so talented, like yours truly!)
morgue scene. As a dead who have taken substantial time out of their professional lives
person, covered by a sheet, to help raise money for so worthy a cause.
I neither had to speak, sing, nor dance.
What was your favorite scene?
Playing dead!
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
October 2013