The Atlanta Lawyer November 2018 | Page 5

Program, Judicial Selection and Tenure Com- mittee, and CLE Board, serve lawyers to be, the community, and our lawyer members. Our Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral and In- formation Service (LRIS) works to help those in need of legal service find a lawyer to help them. Our Atlanta Bar Association Foundation serves the public interest, providing financial support to legal service organizations and those in need in the Atlanta Community. And, of course, we are lucky at the Atlanta Bar Association to have a staff that is second to none. Without their sup- port and service, the bar would simply not exist and none of these programs would be possible. I am grateful for the hundreds of you who make our work possible and thank you for your service. While simply saying thanks is not enough to appropriately recognize all that you do for our organization, I also know that each of you who serve the Atlanta Bar do so without expectation of recognition, which makes your service ever more meaningful to us. Last, but certainly not least, I want to express my gratitude for the Atlanta Bar Association’s membership. We are the largest voluntary bar association in the Southeast, comprised of law- yers who serve their clients, the community, and each other. Many of you are already heavily involved in the Atlanta Bar. For those mem- bers who would like to become more involved, I hope you will reach out to me. In the coming months, you will be hearing more about ways to become involved with the Atlanta Bar. We want to get to know you and express our gratitude for your membership. Here’s a preview of one new initiative you can expect to see soon: Atlanta Bar leaders will be launching Bond with the Bar. From trying out a new restaurant to karaoke to bowling, board members will host small group events that allow us to get to know each other better, make new friends, and share our gratitude for your membership. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the Atlanta Bar and grateful for all of you. Happiest of holiday seasons to you and yours. L AWYER R EFERRAL I NFORMATION S ERVICE & LRIS REFER CALLS TO Remember, if your firm receives those occasional calls regarding legal issues that you do not handle, refer them to the Lawyer Referral and Information Service. 404-521-0777 The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER 5