tion for the Atlanta Legal Aid Society
in June, 1924.
Mr. Gambrell reigned as Atlanta Le-
gal Aid’s president from the orga-
nization’s founding until 1940. Mr.
Gambrell also served as president of
the American Bar Association dur-
ing the year 1955-56. His son, David
Gambrell, has long been a friend and
supporter of Atlanta Legal Aid. He, too,
has held a number of high positions
nationally, statewide and locally: he
served in the U.S. Senate, headed the
Atlanta Bar Association and served
as the president of the State Bar of
Over the years there have been many
other well-known and respected lead-
ers of this annual campaign. Seven
years ago, the brothers Hays—Richard
of Alston & Bird and Robert of King
& Spalding—served as Co-Chairs of
a highly successful season. While we
fly the flags of the same law firms this
year, this is the first time the campaign
has been led by two women. We are
determined to wage the finest battle
victory on the home front. We wel-
come more troops to join us on the
battlefield and prove this the most
successful campaign ever!
Elizabeth (Liz) Price is a past Atlanta Bar
Association president and currently serves
on the Atlanta Bar Foundation Board of
Letitia (Tish) McDonald currently serves
on the Atlanta Bar Foundation Board of
When we took on this campaign, we
knew we would be competing against
the achievements of the Hays dynasty,
a formidable challenge indeed. But we
have great confidence in our ultimate
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER