Environmental & Toxic Tort Section
By Richard Glaze
Balch & Bingham LLP
[email protected]
he Environmental and Toxic
Tort Section is planning a
winter CLE program - details to
be announced. We are also planning
a family-oriented spring service
project to be held in March 2105 to
enhance our local ecosystem.
The Section has also continued
publishing monthly “E-Blast”
newsletters, written by law student
members, which provide valuable
topical updates. E-Blast newsletters
are sent to Section members and are
also published in the section blog
on our website. View the blog here.
The October E-Blast was written by
Will Moran and Chris Sandbach of
Atlanta’s John Marshall School of
We would like to thank Our board
of directors who have made many
of these events possible: Shelly
Ellerhorst (Chair), Richard Glaze
(Vice Chair/Chair-Elect), Kimberley
Hale (Secretary), Randall J.
Butterfield (Treasurer), Richard
A. Horder (Immediate Past
Chair), and Members-at-Large the
Hon. Stephanie S. Benfield, S.
Christopher Collier and Jody
Rhodes. If you have any Sectionrelated questions or suggestions,
please feel free to reach out to
Section leadership. We enjoy an
active and sociable Section and we
always welcome new members.
November 2014
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association