Atlanta Bar Association
100% Club
The distinguished 100% Club recognizes law firms of at least five attorneys that support firm-wide
participation in the Atlanta Bar. The following firms are recognized for their demonstrated
commitment to the Atlanta Bar Association, which furthers quality services for its members, supports
the legal profession and benefits the community through its charitable work. For more information on
how your firm can become a member, contact [email protected].
Firms of 100+ Attorneys
Alston + Bird LLP*
Nelson Mullins Riley &
Scarborough, LLP*
Firms of 50-99 Attorneys
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Carlock, Copeland & Stair, LLP
Hawkins Parnell Thackston &
Young, LLP
Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins,
Gunn & Dial, LLC
Firms of 25-49 Attorneys
Balch & Bingham
Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore, LLP*
Burr & Forman LLP*
Ford & Harrison, LLP*
Goodman McGuffey Lindsey &
Johnson, LLP
Ogletree Deakins Nash
Smoak & Stewart, PC
Rogers & Hardin LLP*
Firms of 5-24 Attorneys
Autry, Cole, Hanrahan,
Hall & Cook, LLP
Berman Fink Van Horn PC
Bodker Ramsey Andrews
Winograd & Wildstein, PC*
Caldwell & Watson, LLP*
Chilivis, Cochran, Larkins
& Bever, LLP
Davis, Matthews & Quigley, PC*
Fellows LaBriola, LLP*
Fields Howell Athans &
McLaughlin, LLP