50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act
On November 18, 2014 the Labor & Employment Law
Section hosted a Multi-Bar Reception Celebrating the 50th
Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 at The National
Center for Civil & Human Rights Museum. Shown from
left to right is Ellen Malow (Malow Mediation & Arbitration
Inc), Labor & Employment Secretary/Treasurer Amanda
Farahany (Barrett & Farahany LLP) and Louis Tesser
(Kessler & Solomiany LLC).
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
Shown from left to right are Labor & Employment Section
Member at Large Dan Klein (Klein Dispute Resolution), Labor
& Employment Secretary/Treasurer Amanda Farahany (Barrett
& Farahany LLP), Labor & Employment Section Chair Ben Fink
(Berman Fink Van Horn PC) and Vice Chair/Chair-Elect of the
Labor & Employment Law Section Craig Cleland (Ogletree
Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart PC).
November 2014