Celebrating 125 Years
The First 50 Years of The Atlanta Bar Association
By Lisa Liang
Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc.
[email protected]
his year we commemorate and celebrate the 125th
anniversary of the founding of the Atlanta Bar
Association on Saturday, April 28, 1888. This is the
first of three articles tracing the strong and storied legacy of
the Atlanta Bar and focuses on the first fifty years. Material
is borrowed from Lea Agnew & Jo Ann Haden-Miller, Atlanta
And Its Lawyers: A Century of Vision: 1888-1988 (1988).
On Saturday, April 28, 1888, at 3:00 p.m. some 100 Atlanta
lawyers gathered
at the Fulton County
courthouse to create the
Atlanta Bar Association.
In response to rebukes
and complaints in the
newspapers about
disreputable lawyer
practices, the Bar ’s
constitution proclaimed
it would “maintain the
honor and dignity of
the profession of
law.” To that end, the
Association’s first order
of business was setting a
minimum fee schedule:
$5 for drawing a lease
or a mortgage; $10 for a foreclosure on personal property;
$15 for a foreclosure on real estate or drafting a will; $20 for
deeds of trust, written opinions and preparation of appeals
to the Georgia Supreme Court; $25 for divorces, and $50 for
drawing bills in equity.
from primarily servicing banks to railroads, insurance
companies, utilities, local transit businesses to the booming
entrepreneurial companies like The Coca-Cola Company.
Law offices moved beyond Alabama, Whitehall and Pryor
Streets with the installation of street cars. Law school
attendance was on the rise at the University of Georgia and
Mercer University and the Atlanta Law School opened in 1890;
however “reading law” remained the norm for legal education
– no standard admission tests or requirements existed.
Judge John L. Hopkins,
still Bar president in
1906 applied for a
permanent charter
for the Atlanta Bar
Association with legal
legend petitioners
Robert and Philip
Alston; Reuben Arnold;
Leonard Hass; Jack
Spalding; Harold Hirsch;
E. Marvin Underwood;
Walter Colquitt; Walter
McElreath; Alex C.
King; John Slaton;
Edgar Neely; and
Hamilton Douglas, Sr.
Judge John Pendleton granted the charter that year ushering
in more changes: membership totaled 177; new by-laws
mandated annual meetings and regular officer rotations;
committees ruled and handled business, heard grievances
and granted relief to members falling on hard times, and
annual banquets (“entertainments”) were ordered at least
Of the 175 attorneys in Atlanta
in 1888, the founding members
of the Atlanta Bar Association
were practiced attorneys
comfortable with responsibility
and influencing change...
Of the 175 attorneys in Atlanta in 1888, the founding
members of the Atlanta Bar Association were practiced
attorneys comfortable with responsibility and influencing
change as well as ambitious young men eager for leadership
opportunities. These leaders’ influence continues to shape
our legal landscape: John L. Hopkins, former judge and the
Association’s first president; Hoke Smith, future governor and
U.S. Senator; John B. Goodwin, former and future mayor,
and Thomas P. Westmoreland, future superior court judge.
The first two decades of the Atlanta Bar saw many changes
in the legal community: legal work and practices expanded
November 2013
Throughout the pre-war and World War I years, the
Association diligently kept up its work and stayed at the
forefront of the legal arena: Luther Rosser, Sr. and Reuben
Arnold, best known for their defense of Leo Frank, were both
Bar presidents during this time, as well as J.D. Kilpatrick,
Edgar Watkins, Shepard Bryan and Arthur Powell. In 1917
as America officially went to war, the Atlanta Bar Association
admitted two female members, oversaw a revision of the rules
of procedure of Atlanta’s Municipal Court and participated in
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association