law ers in the arts
Kevin Wilson: Lawyer, Dancer, Singer
B Kevin C. Wilson
Justice Melton’s Chambers
Supreme Court of Georgia
What area of law do ou ractice
Currentl , I am a full time Staff Attorne for the Honorable
Harold D. Melton at the Su reme Court of Georgia.
How long have ou been involved in our art
I ve been singing ever since I was a id, and I ve robabl
been dancing ust as long. I got a lot more serious about
dancing when I started doing salsa about fifteen ears ago.
What benefits do ou rea from our art
ursuing dance and singing, I reall feel li e man
wonderful aths have been o ened u to me both ersonall
wilson @gasu
and rofessionall that ma have otherwise remained closed
to me had I not done so. I met m wife while I was teaching
a salsa class, and now we have a beautiful two- ear-old
daughter together.
wife and I also own our own dance
studio (Cal Dance Studio, and
I get to erform with her on a regular basis in her flamenco
erformance grou . We still erform salsa shows together
as well. ust this ast August, m wife and I erformed in
an original theatrical roduction that we wrote, roduced
and directed, to a sold out crowd here in Atlanta. B singing
in m wife s flamenco grou , and with a lot of ractice and
encouragement from her, I ve also become fluent in S anish.
Had I not ursued the art forms that I love so much, I ma
never have ended u owning a dance studio with m wife or
finding all of these other wonderful things in m life that have
brought me so much ha iness.
How do ou balance our art and
wor life
Fortunatel , I m able to maintain a
rett regular schedule with m ob
at the Su reme Court, which allows
me to s end time with m famil ,
teach dance classes and erform
with m wife s flamenco grou .
If I ever feel li e I m not doing
something to the best of m abilit ,
whether it be with res ect to being
a husband and father, m ob as a
staff attorne , teaching a dance
class or giving a erformance,
I now that something is out of
balance. The tric to finding the
right balance is to loo around ou
and see how much ha iness ou
are bringing, not onl to our