The Atlanta Lawyer May 2022 Vol. 20, No. 6 | Page 7

Do you have any hobbies ? Yes , I like to do crafty things including making handmade cards , woodworking projects , and interior decorating . I also love anything involving water sports- boating , whitewater rafting or water skiing come to mind .
What projects are you passionate about ? Advocating for survivors of domestic violence . It is an absolute epidemic and all of us know someone affected by it . I am proud of the work I have done since 2005 with organizations like Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation , the DeKalb District Attorney ’ s Office , and as part of the Metro Atlanta TPO Forum . In my roles as Executive Director of DeKalb Volunteer Lawyers Foundation and as Co-Chair of the DeKalb County Domestic Violence Task Force , I had the honor of spearheading initiatives to create safer environments and communities for victims and their families , as well as to provide training and self-care resources for service providers . It has changed my life in a profound way and is the most rewarding work I ’ ve ever done . I will always advocate for survivors .
If you were to write an autobiography , what would it be titled ? “ Boomerang : Finding My Way Back to Me .” Everyone comes into this life innocent . You are who you are , until you realize you are not always free to be that person . As a woman of color , I have had to assimilate and fit into a certain narrative of who the world says I am . Add to that basic life influences , societal woes , and corporate culture that is not built on inclusivity or equity . Adjustments must be made . It takes a lot of work , growth , courage , resilience , and self-care to show up in the world unapologetically and using your most authentic voice . Walking toward that light has felt much like coming out of a cocoon . It has also led me to places I could not have foreseen , places that feel like I ’ m exactly where I was meant to be . The Atlanta Bar is that for me right now . It feels 100 % right . Finally , I am finding my way back to the Toni I was born to be .
If you were stranded on an island with three people , three items , and three foods , who / what would they be ? For food , I would have salmon ( it is my favorite food ), ice cream ( because it is ice cream ), and bourbon ( for the smooth finish ). Items , I would bring a hammock , my phone and Wi-Fi . For people , I would bring Kevin Hart ( for the comic relief ), Ava Duvernay ( because we obviously have to turn this escapade into a documentary ), and Yasiin Bey for the unforgettable soundtrack to the entire experience .
Executive Director of the Foundation . I had not previously contemplated a situation in which that would come up but having just finished the non-binding arbitration training at Henning , I feel confident we would resolve any issue with a mutually beneficial resolution .
Understanding you are still getting into the weeds of the organization , what are your hopes and goals for the coming years ? Number one goal is to encourage people to come back to the bar . The last few years have proven quite difficult for many attorneys , and a lot has changed for them personally and in their practice . The pandemic has necessarily shifted the way many do business . But the Bar has shifted accordingly and the benefits to its members remain . The Atlanta Bar is a strong community , relevant to any attorney , at any and every stage of his or her career . I want to encourage attorneys to not just join to support their local bar , but to really engage with all the Bar has to offer .
Why the Atlanta Bar ? The Atlanta Bar is the most widely recognized and longest running voluntary bar in the Southeast . It represents the largest cross section of lawyers and areas of practice , among whom are the best and brightest in the country . ( I took this opportunity to thank her for not holding my presidency against the Bar ). I believe in the power and nobility of the practice of law and the pathway it paves toward justice . Whether helping to patent a trade secret , or a family to adopt a child , or defending the falsely accused , lawyers make the difference . The Atlanta Bar is not only a storied institution that provides opportunities to network , develop leadership skills , access continuing education , and give back to the local community , it is a beacon of light for new lawyers coming into the profession , and it is hope for the future . As Executive Director of the Association and Foundation , I am perfectly positioned to promote the people , passion , and profession to which I ’ ve dedicated 28 years of my life . Why the Atlanta Bar ? Clearly , I have saved the best for last . ____________________________________________________
Hopefully my random , all over the place questions have given you some insight into Toni as a person and the beginnings of some areas to start conversations and relationships . Please help me welcome Toni to the Bar , I know the years ahead will be great !
What was the hardest question you were asked during the interview process for the Executive Director position ? Why ? Also , what is your best recollection of your answer or what do you wish you had answered ? The above question about the island . No , seriously , there was a question about how I planned to deal with any conflict between my role as the Executive Director of the Association and as the www . atlantabar . org THE ATLANTA LAWYER 7