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18th Annual IP SpringPosium ® 2022
Colleagues came together at the beautiful Lanier Islands for a time of networking with IP practitioners and patent agents while earning eight CLE hours . IP SpringPosium ® is an intellectual property CLE retreat designed to provide in-house and junior lawyers , as well as senior private-practice attorneys and IP service providers , with a convenient and affordable educational and networking opportunity . The CLE programming offers presentations from seasoned professionals on a variety of topics and issues impacting the IP industry . Attendees enjoyed networking with a view during the cocktail reception boat cruise on Lake Lanier followed by a lakeside dinner .
10 - Panelists L-R : Joshua D . Rice ( Alston & Bird LLP ), Robert K . High ( Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garret & Dunner LLP ) and Nihal S . A . Parkar ( Eversheds Sutherland US LLP ). The panel spoke on the topic of “ Patent Law Update .”
11 - Panelists L-R : T . Paul Tanpitukpongse ( Meunier Carlin &
32 May 2022