Blast from the Past
Past articles published in the May issues of The Atlanta Lawyer in previous decades .
in this revision of the guide .
May 1979 Guide to Practicing in the Juvenile Court of Fulton County for Court-Appointed Defense Counsel in Delinquency Cases We are especially appreciative of the efforts of the Juvenile Court and its staff for the complication of the very comprehensive information contained
May 1989 The Preliminary Hearing : Is It a Critical Stage in the Criminal Defense process or Not ? The preliminary hearing is often the first proceeding of inquiry in a criminal case . The various practices among the different Georgia circuits , and among the different courts within each circuit , have reduced the effectiveness of the preliminary hearing and make it confusing and inconsistent . There appears to be no uniformity on this subject at the appellate or magistrate level with respect to the procedural and substantive aspects of the hearing .
Since the mid-1970s , the preliminary hearing has been established as a " Critical stage " in the criminal defense process - one to which counsel attaches , while aggressive defense attorneys will strive to expand this opportunity , the lack of clear standards cries out for legislative action to ensue uniformity and fairness .
May 1991 Those Who Do and Those Who Don ' t : Employer Liability for Sexual Favorism Given its pervasiveness as a topic for both the popular media and legal periodicals , many often forget that sexual harassment as a legal wrong with a viable remedy , has existed for only just over 10 years . As a consequence of the relatively recent recognition of claims for harassment , courts and practitioners have only begun to explore the many bases of employer liability for consensual and non consensual sexual relations in the workplace .
May 1991 The Americans with Disabilities Act : An Overview On July 26 , 1990 , President Bush signed into law landmark legislation which has been described as an " Emancipation Proclamation for the disabled ." This law , called the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination against disabled individuals in the provision of employment , public services by givernment entities , public accommodations and services by private entities and telecommunications services .
May 2003 Citizens Support of Police is Crucial to Our Community In 1980 , Atlanta was in the agonizing grip of a crime spree that had every member of the community on edge . More than 20 children disappeared and then were found murdered , and a serial killer was on the loose . Atlantans were extremely anxious about letting
22 May 2022