Women Lawyers, and Gate City Bar Association.
I celebrated empowerment with the Georgia
Latin American Association, the Georgia Asylum
and Immigration Network, the Stone Wall Bar
Association, and the Anti-Defamation League.
And I rang in the Lunar New Year with the Geor-
gia Asian Pacific American Bar Association.
But, beyond the whirlwind of social events and
soirées, there was quite a lot of behind the scenes
effort. Thanks to the Board of Directors and
Atlanta Bar staff: fiscal responsibility resulted
in a 5th straight year of a surplus budget; in
a season of national membership decline, we
increased our membership for the first time in
over six years; the Summer Law Internship Pro-
gram celebrated a milestone 25th Anniversary.
Also, the newly invigorated Lawschool Outreach
Committee hit it out of the park. Increasing law
student membership to over 300 new members,
and spreading the word to students so that when
they graduate their first order of business should
be to join the Atlanta Bar.
down the fort while I was out and about. And
he thoroughly enjoyed the social side of things.
Although he never quite made it through every
set of cufflinks in the rotation.
To my mom, who I’m so thrilled was able to
travel to Atlanta for the annual meeting. Mom,
I can’t even begin to tell you how much you
mean to me.
To my son, Vincent who officially became a teen-
ager this year. Vincent, you are a wonder. I love
you to the moon and back.
And thank you to all of you. In our Atlanta Bar,
we have a wealth of kno wledge, a virtual treasure
trove of intellect, wisdom, and talent. Of com-
passion, of character, and a great willingness to
help and to get involved.
And it is a good thing we do.
Because history has its eyes on us.
As I reflect back upon my year as President, I
am grateful for this time to serve. Grateful to
my colleagues at Georgia State for the allowance
to lessen my paying work obligations while I
pursued my volunteer work obligations.
I am grateful to the Bar Board, staff, and to Execu-
tive Director Terri Bryant who was instrumental
to this year’s triumphs.
Margaret Hughes Vath
President, Atlanta Bar Association
I’m grateful to Immediate Past President Jim
Blitch who left things in such fine order, it made
my job easy.
I’m grateful to my family. To Michael who has
been a consummate first gentleman. He held
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER