From the Board
We asked The Atlanta Bar Association Board
of Directors and The Atlanta Lawyer Editorial
Board "What inspires you to leadership?"
My goal has always
been to simply serve
however I can. I think
leadership comes in
when said service is
done well and meets the need
that exists.
Caren Cloud, Truancy Intervention
Giving back and help-
ing others to achieve
their goals inspires me
to leadership.
Beth Gilchrist,
Hill & Watchko, LLC
I was inspired to leader-
ship by the legacy of
Atlanta Bar leaders who
gave so much in service
to our community and
Nicole Iannarone, Georgia State
University College of Law
When I make the deci-
sion to devote my time
and effort to an orga-
nization, I feel drawn to
assume a leadership
role. Maggie Vath, Georgia State
University College of Law
I’ve had great mentors
throughout my life, start-
ing with my mom and
dad, who both hap-
pened to be the old-
est of four children in their families.
I was the oldest of three. And that
is how my Barbie became CEO of
a major conglomerate.
Jessica J. Wood, Bodker Ramsey
Andrews Winograd Wildstein, P.C.
I've been inspired to
lead in a couple of
ways. Sometimes it was
because I felt passion-
ately about an organi-
zation and believed I could make
a difference. Other times, it was
because a friend or colleague laid
a hand on my shoulder, literally or
figuratively, and asked me to step
up because they believed in me.
Shawn Shepard, Smith & Carson
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER