The Atlanta Lawyer May 2018 | Seite 3

Volume 16, No. 9 | May 2018 FEATURES 6 President's Message By M a rg a ret H . Vat h Thank You for the Opportunity to Serve 8 Member Apprecia- tion Month Recap #ATLBarYOU & Bar 10 Bench Reception The Honorable Doris L. Downs 16 Law Day Separation of Powers: Framework for Freedom Contents COLUMNS 5 From the Board What inspires you to leadership? 18 In the Community By S h a w n S h e p a rd The Battle of the Peaches at the 2018 MBLC Annual Diversity Celebration and Cook-Off Competition 20 Lifestyle/Wellness By S cot t Zu c ke r Creating an Ethical Will: Leaving a Tangible Legacy for your Family & Friends 22 Book Review By M e g a n T. H o d g k i s s Georgia Center for the Book's "Books All Georgians Should Read" NEWS & NOTES 4 4 30 34 36 Staff Resource Information Adventures in the Field Gatherings 100% Club Sponsors SECTION UPDATES 27 Criminal Law 28 Litigation 29 Tax Law