SPSF Section Community Service Project
By Louis R. Cohan
Cohan Law Group, LLC
[email protected]
n April 26, a beautiful Saturday morning, the Sole
Practitioner/ Small Firm (SPSF) Section of the Atlanta
Bar Association met at Urban Farm in SW Atlanta for
its annual community service project. No one would have
expected to find a five-acre farm in the middle of densely
populated urban Atlanta. Bobby Wilson and his wife operate
this farm, and it is amazing what they accomplish.
You only have to speak with Bobby for a moment to realize this
is all very scientific and sophisticated. The farm is operated
without chemicals, using organic methods and processes.
It generates a high yield,
and produces vegetables
throughout the entire year.
Bobby was a Professor in
the University of Georgia
College of Agriculture and
Environmental Services.
After retiring, Bobby said
he put his money where
his mouth had been. In
other words, he is now
employing the things he
taught about for years.
The Urban Farm and the
Atlanta Food Bank enjoy
a great partnership. The
farm feeds more than 300
homeless people monthly
in an Atlanta shelter.
During SPSF’s visit, it
was gardening in the
morning and party time
at night. The members of
the SPSF Section helped
set up for a fundraiser in
the garden that took place
Saturday night. There
were several hundred in
attendance that night. After completing the set up, the SPSF
Section toured the facilities and then mulched and tended
several of the growing beds.
Not only did those who attended learn about farming and
the Urban Farm, but it was a great opportunity to make new
friends and spend some off-line time with old friends. The
Urban Farm is in its fourth growing season. No doubt, there
will be many more to come.
Pictured at the 2014 Sole Practitioner/Small Firm Section community service event frpm left
to right are Atlanta Community Food Bank Representative, Matt Jordan (The Law Office of
Benjamin Y. Gerber), Louis R. Cohan (Cohan Law Group, LLC), James Attwood (The Attwood
Firm, LLC), Joe Gottlieb (Cohen Goldstein Port & Gottlieb, LLP) and Kristy Zimmerman (The
Platt Law Firm).
May 2014
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association