On May 4, 2012, the Judicial Section
hosted the Law Clerk Appreciation
Luncheon with a special presentation
honoring The Honorable Anne
Elizabeth Barnes with The Romae
Turner Powell Judicial Service Award
at No Mas! Cantina. Shown from left
to right are Atlanta Bar Association
President Rita A. Sheffey (Hunton &
Williams LLP), Hon. Anne Elizabeth
Barnes (Presiding Judge, Court of
Appeals of Georgia) and Section
Chair The Honorable Diane E.
Bessen (State Court of Fulton
Taken on April 30, 2012 at a presentation to members of five local Bar Associations (Atlanta Bar Association,
Gate City Bar Association, Georgia Association for Women Lawyers, Georgia Association of Black Women
Lawyers, and the Stonewall Bar Association) about the new National Center of Civil and Human Rights
(NCCHR) being constructed in Atlanta. Shown left to right from the NCCHR are Deborah Richardson,
Executive Vice President and Doug Shipman, CEO and on far right is Rita A. Sheffey, Hunton & Williams
LLP and President of the Atlanta Bar Association. The National Center for Civil and Human Rights will be
a 90,000 square foot facility in the heart of Downtown Atlanta. It will be a world class cultural institution
dedicated to exploring stories of civil and human rights in dynamic indoor and outdoor spaces. The site is
located at Pemberton Place, adjacent to Centennial Olympic Park, The New World of Coca-Cola and the
Georgia Aquarium. The Coca-Cola Company generously donated the land
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
May 2012