On April 24, 2012, the Tax Law Section hosted a breakfast at the
Buckhead Club. Shown from left to right are Timothy Pollock (Morris,
Manning & Martin LLP), Section Member at Large Vivian Hoard (Taylor
English Duma LLP) and Julian Fortuna (The Saylor Law Firm). Pollock
spoke on “Conservation Easements: Is There One in Your Future?”
On April 25, 2012, the Estate Planning &
Probate Section hosted a luncheon at Villa
Christina. Shown from left to right are
Professor Mary F. Radford (Marjorie Fine
Knowles Professor of Law, Georgia State
University College of Law) and Section Chair
Mary Galardi (Galardi Law). Professor
Radford spoke on “Recent Developments in
Georgia Fiduciary Law.”
On April 26, 2012, the Sole Practitioner/
Small Firm Section hosted a luncheon at
Gordon Biersch. Shown from left to right are
Section Chair David Lilenfeld (Lilenfeld, PC)
and Bonne Buol Ruszczyk (President, bbr
marketing). Ruszczyk spoke on “Social Media
and Your Practice.”
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
May 2012