On April 4, 2012, the Dispute Resolution Section hosted a
breakfast at the Buckhead Club. Shown from left to right are
Section Chair Robert N. Dokson (Ellis Funk, P.C.), William
S. Goodman (Henning Mediation & Arbitration Services) and
On April 4, 2012, the Criminal Law Section hosted a luncheon Section Secretary/Treasurer Herbert H. Gray III (Ragsdale
at Manuel’s Tavern. Shown from left to right are Hon. Beals Seigler Patterson & Gray). Goodman spoke on “The
Samuel S. Olens (Attorney General, State of Georgia) and X Factor: Emotion in Mediation.”
Section Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Brian Pearce (United States
Attorney’s Office). Attorney General Olens spoke on “New
Developments in Criminal Justice in Georgia.”
On April 11, 2012, the Estate Planning & Probate Section hosted a
breakfast at the Buckhead Club. Shown from left to right are Vice
Chair/Chair-Elect Loraine DiSalvo (Morgan & DiSalvo, P.C.) and
Natalie R. Kelly (Director, Law Practice Ma