law day
The Atlanta Bar Association celebrated Law Day on May 3, 2012 at Gideons Elementary School by presenting a mock
trial. Shown with Atlanta Bar Association President Rita A. Sheffey, Hunton & Williams LLP (far left), is the mock trial
team (left to right) Sarah Taliaferro Babcock, Alston & Bird LLP; Angela Adams, Alston & Bird LLP; Diane Wizig, Alston
& Bird LLP; Kim Jones, Brown College of Court Reporting; Meaghan Boyd, Alston & Bird LLP; Ryan J. Lewis, Alston &
Bird LLP; William Michael D’Antignac, Fulton County State Court; and 2012 Atlanta Bar Association Law Day co-chair
W. Clay Massey, Alston & Bird LLP.
Law Day Mock Trial at Gideons Elementary School on May 3, 2012.
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
Karen D. Fultz, Cozen O’Connor, and Judge
Christopher S. Brasher, Fulton County Superior
Court, answer students’ questions at the Law Day
presentation at Jean Childs Young Middle School
on May 10, 2012.
May 2012