The Atlanta Lawyer May 2012 | Page 15

law-related education DISTRIBUTION - The next step is to make a list of all possible channels for distribution. Possibilities include direct mail newsletters, email client alerts, firm website, a firm or practice group blog, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Possibilities also include non-written marketing tactics such as seminars, webinars, and white-board sessions for clients, etc. - Train an administrative assistant or request the assistance of your marketing staff, to work with you in creating a distribution list. The largest firms will have a customer relationship management (CRM) software program where all contacts (clients, prospects, referral sources, friends and others) are stored. But for most attorneys, a simple Microsoft Outlook database is all that is needed. Create an email distribution list or lists) that segment(s) key clients and others, who may receive customized correspondence, from a “blast” list. - Establish a procedure for marking each client alert for distribution. (PLEASE NOTE: This step or process is the essence of content management!) One suggested way to do this is to create an email template, which is sent to the mar