The Reaffirmation Project provides free legal counsel to unrepresented debtors seeking to enter into reaffirmation agreements . The goal of this project is to enable pro se consumer debtors to make informed decisions about reaffirmation of debt . Given that the Northern District of Georgia is the third highest consumer debtor filing venue in the United States , this is a much-needed legal service . One of the fundamental goals of the Bankruptcy Code is to provide a financial fresh start to honest but unfortunate debtors . Pro se debtors will not be afforded such relief without the availability of counsel to ensure that all people have effective access to legal assistance . The Reaffirmation Project training session will teach interested lawyers how to provide that assistance .
You are not required to volunteer after attending a training . We hope you will joining us on March 27 !
Save the Date
Please save the dates for the following events :
• The Bankruptcy Section , in partnership with the Elder Law Section , will hold a Section breakfast on Thursday , April 12 , 2018 . The breakfast will feature a presentation entitled : What ' s Age Got to Do With It ? Elder Investment Fraud and Financial Exploitation . The event will be held at the offices of Nelson Mullins .
• The Bankruptcy Section 2018 David W . Pollard Award & Spring CLE Program will be held on Thursday ,
May 17 , 2018 . The event will take place at the Ansley Golf Club .
Board of Directors
The Officers and Board members for the 2017-2018 year are : Jeffery Cavender ( Chair ), Sage Sigler ( Chair- Elect ), B . Summer Chandler ( Secretary ), Melissa Davey ( Treasurer ), Alison Elko Franklin ( Immediate Past Chair ), Vania Allen , Sameer Kapoor , Howie Slomka , CC Schnapp , Gregory Taube , Bruce Walker , Doroteya Wozniak ( Members at large ).
Contact Us
If you have any proposals for Bankruptcy Section activities or projects , please contact any of the officers or board members . We look forward to another great year and welcome your participation .
B . Summer Chandler Visiting Assistant Professor
Georgia State University bchandler @ gsu . edu The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER 33