The Atlanta Lawyer March 2018 | Page 11

• • The LRIS program covers more than 86 areas of law. There are some panels that require the completion of a special form, and the at- torney who participates on the following panels must meet specific require- ments: Contested Divorce, Child Custody, Bankrupt- cy, Felony, and Medical Malpractice, Immigration, FMLA and FLSA. Our service has the ability to handle Spanish speaking callers. American Bar Associa- tion Certification The Atlanta Bar Association LRIS program is certified by the American Bar Association, which allows the use of its pat- ented slogan, “The Right Call for the Right Lawyer.” This cer- tification requires our program to meet the American Bar As- sociations Model Supreme Court Rules governing LRIS programs. The program oper- ates in the interest of the public by not only referring callers to attorneys but also other or- ganizations, such as, govern- ment, pro bono and consumer agencies. There are over 300 LRIS programs nationwide, but only a few are American Bar Association certified. Association's Lawyer Referral and Information Service. It is designed to assist Georgia resi- dents who are not financially eligible for Legal Aid, but who also do not have the resources to retain a private attorney at the standard market rate. Potential clients who qualify for the Modest Means Program are referred to a private at- torney who has agreed to the specific terms of the program, including an initial retainer fee of no more than $600, or billable hours of $75 an hour maximum. The areas of law covered by this program are: Advance Directives for Health- care, Bankruptcy, Deed Trans- fers and Family Law. If you are interested in learning more about the Atlanta Bar As- sociation's Lawyer Referral and Information Service, please visit our website atlantabar. org/?lrishome, or contact the LRIS Director, Lucia Keller at [email protected] or (404) 537-4934. Remember, if your firm receives those occasion- al calls regarding legal issues that you do not handle, refer them to the LRIS program at (404) 521-0777. L AWYER R EFERRAL I NFORMATION S ERVICE & LRIS REFER CALLS TO Remember, if your firm receives those occasional calls regarding legal issues that you do not handle, refer them to the Lawyer Referral and Information Service. 404-521-0777 ▪ Modest Means Program (MMP) The Modest Means Program is a public service program sponsored by the Atlanta Bar The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER 11