The Atlanta Lawyer March 2016 | Page 8

2015-16 ATLANTA BAR FOUNDATION &LRIS PRO BONO “The Foundation, as the Atlanta Bar Association’s charitable arm, could not be more delighted at the possibilities that these Immediate Benefits In 2009, then-Bar president David Schaeffer, with help from grant awards present,” said Wade Malone, Foundation president. deGolian — by then LRIS chairman — and Foundation leaders “We eagerly anticipate the results that a quarter-million dollar Allan Tanenbaum and Bill Ragland (2004-05 Bar president), investment in projects promoting equal access to justice, as- formalized the Foundation’s grants program and selection sistance to youth and public understanding of the law will yield.” criteria. “We favor strong programs that are internal with the The 60 year old LRIS service traces its origins to 1955 when Atlanta Bar, such as the Summer Law Internship Program it was launched as the Lawyer Referral program, a Bar com- (SLIP) and the Minority and Diversity Clerkship Program, and mittee, to assist returning veterans and others at the behest those that were initially founded at least in part by the Atlanta of Henry Troutman. Today, LRIS is a full-service referral Bar, but which now are independent with their own governing program, overseen since 2003 by a Board of Trustees and boards,” Schaeffer said. Among them: the Atlanta Volunteer still uses the same phone number that started the referral Lawyers Foundation, Truancy Intervention Project, Atlanta program in 1955. In 2002-03, then-Atlanta Bar President Legal Aid Society, Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network. William deGolian and others worked tirelessly with the State Bar of Georgia for approval of a percentage fee-sharing pro- Grant funding helps ensure that the SLIP and Minority & Diversity gram that would allow LRIS to distribute funds to programs Clerkship Program of the Atlanta Bar will continue to expand and organizations providing legal services to a community in and prosper. Malone, who also chairs the SLIP, observed: “The need. Last year, LRIS received more than 40,000 calls, refer- impact of this incredible effort will have immediate benefits to ring more than 14,000 individuals in need of legal services the Internship Program through increased opportunities and to qualified, service-oriented LRIS program panel members. be positively felt for years to come.” SLIP saw a record 49 “2015 was an exceptional year, but it shows the potential of a program participants last summer. The Minority & Diversity well-run LRIS. With good leadership from the LRIS Board and $250,000 Record Grant Disbursements to Worthy Programs Clerkship Program, celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, This unprecedented amount was due in major good administration from Carla Brown, its director, and her offered 22 law firm clerkships for minority and diverse 1L part to a $200,000 allocation from LRIS, stemming staff, the LRIS has taken off in recent years,” said deGolian. students attending the five accredited Georgia law schools. Foundation—and the programs that it supports The Atlanta Bar Foundation, in partnership with Giving Back percentage fee program,” LRIS Board of Trustees Chair Celia —likewise benefit from fundraising initiatives, the Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral and DeGolian also noted the program’s benefits to Atlanta Bar As- Sunne said. “We passed our success on to pro bono organiza- including its yearly LawJam battle-of-the-lawyer Information Service (LRIS), recently distributed sociation members. “The LRIS brings Atlanta Bar Association tions in accordance with our mission. So many people need bands competition, A Courthouse Line theatre a record $250,000 in grant awards. The grants lawyers into direct contact with the public more so than any other good legal services, but at are at a loss as to how to obtain productions, regular annual giving and its Lifetime support the association’s youth programs and program it offers,” he said. “Annually it helps thousands of Atlanta those services. Here we are over 60 years later and still with and Sustaining Fellows Campaigns. area residents in a tangible way. It augments the law practice the mission of finding expertise legal help for those in need.” of its attorney panel members. It generates substantial income “Through the collective efforts of many, [the partnership] that the LRIS, through the Atlanta Bar Foundation, it is able to has truly evolved into a win-win program,” deGolian agreed. GRANT RECIPIENTS other pro bono organizations. from the growing referral program’s success. The “In 2015 LRIS had its best year since the inception of the give back in support of Atlanta area pro bono legal programs.” The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER 9