section update
Litigation Section
By Kevin P. Weimer
Fellows LaBriola LLP
[email protected]
he Litigation Section is proud of the great programs it
has held and will continue to hold through the end of
this Bar year. On the second Friday of every month,
the Section has its breakfast and CLE program at 7:30 a.m.
at the Ansley Golf Club.
On February 13, 2015, in a joint meeting with the Atlanta
Council of Younger Lawyers, Chief Justice Hugh Thompson
of the Georgia Supreme Court and Paula Frederick, general
counsel for the State Bar of Georgia, spoke on ethics. On
March 13, 2015, in a joint meeting with the Real Estate
Section, John Stephenson, President of the College Football
Hall of Fame, will speak on “Winning Negotiations: Insights
into the College Football’s Hall of Fame’s Move to Atlanta.” On
April 17, 2015, the meetings continue with a panel discussion
featuring Hank Fellows, Tony Cochran, and Jake Larkins on
Daubert. This year’s breakfast programs will conclude on
May 8, 2015, with the annual legislative summary.
On February 20, 2015, the Litigation Section hosted its annual
CLE. This CLE featured a panel of federal judges and a panel
of state court judges. Following both judicial panels, a panel
of attorneys discussed the guidance provided by the judges.
In February and early March, the Section conducted the
Take Your Adversary to Lunch Program, which will culminate
in a drawing for Buckhead Life gift cards at the March 13th
breakfast meeting.
Upcoming section events include the Meet the Judges
Luncheon scheduled for March 20, 2015, at the Capital City
Club, and the Bench and Bar Reception scheduled for May
12, 2015, at Nelson, Mullins. Additionally, the Securities
Subsection of the Litigation Section will host a CLE on
shareholder inspection rights on March 26th.
The Section also is planning a joint program with the Criminal
Law Section on representing unpopular clients for April 27th
and a joint luncheon with the Judicial Section in April. Please
mark your calendars for these events and visit the Bar’s
website for more information.
The Section is undertaking a project to update its bylaws and
hopes to have that completed by the end of this Bar year.
The Litigation Section would like to thank its sponsors for
their support. They are ATS (Applied Technology Services);
Duplicating Products; Esquire Solutions; Habif, Arogeti &
Wynne, LLP; JAMS; and The Partners Group.
As part of the Section’s judicial outreach efforts, we continue
to offer free admission for all judges and judicial law clerks
who wish to attend our functions.
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
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March 2015