section update
Judicial Section
By The Hon. Sara Doyle
Georgia Court of Appeals
he Judicial Section is up and running
again in 2015. Our next event for
Judges and their staff only will take
place at Gordon Biersch with special guest
speaker, Judge Ben Studdard the Chief Judge
of Henry County State Court widely known for
his annual updates on criminal appellate law
in Georgia.
On April 30, 2015, the section will award
Judge Myra Dixon, Chief Judge, Fulton
County State Court, with its Romae Turner
Powell award for excellence in service to the
judiciary at the Capitol City Club-downtown.
This event will be open to members of other
sponsoring sections and will include the award
and preview entertainment for the bard show,
A Courthouse Line XI - Northside Story, taking
place on May 1 and 2 at the Rialto Center for
the Arts at Georgia State University.
Right now, the section is running a special
membership drive for those Judges who are
members of the Atlanta Bar, but not the section
- join now for the low annual price of $35 and
you get 3 months free!”
We would like to thank our board of directors
for their hard work in helping make these
events and programs possible: Section Chair
Hon. Sara Doyle, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Hon.
Christopher J. McFadden, Secretary/Treasurer
Hon. Maria B. Golick, Immediate Past Chair
Hon. Daniel M. Coursey, Jr., Members-at-Large
Hon. Susan E. Edlein, Hon. Melynee Leftridge
Hon. Dax E. Lopez and Hon. Mathew Robins.
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
March 2015