Pro Bono March Madness
Sign up for Pro Bono
March Madness!
By Kimberly D. Charles
2014-15 Chair of the CLE Board of Trustees
Member at Large, Women in the Profession Section
Managing Attorney, Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc.
ro Bono March Madness began Tuesday March 3,
2015 with three programs to kick off the month of
CLE and pro bono opportunities. Many of you know
already, but for those who don’t, by attending a CLE seminar
offered during Pro Bono March Madness you’ll receive
specific training that will help you volunteer with many nonprofit legal services organizations in and around the Metro
Atlanta Area. And you get that last minute CLE credit that
everyone’s looking for in March. It’s a win-win for everyone!
By volunteering to take a pro bono case from one of the
participating agencies you’ll have the chance to assist
clients with a variety of important legal needs. Interested
in helping a grandmother get guardianship of the grandchild
she’s been caring for? Check out the Grandparent/Relative
Caregiver Adoption project’s program. Want to learn advise
nonprofits on how to make money and grant money? Attend
training on March 26, as Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta
host this practical law
seminar to help prepare
transactional attorneys to
undertake three specific pro
bono contract matters for
nonprofit organizations.
Maybe you’re not a litigator and aren’t too comfortable in
the courtroom. Well the pro bono team is diverse and there
is room for you too, such as programs on advising clients
who are in bankruptcy about the effects of reaffirming a loan.
Learn how to advise non-profits on employment law issues
by attending the March 31 program Employment Law for
Whatever your area of practice or expertise, there is a place
for you on the pro bono team! So why not sign up and help
someone in dire need of an advocate. You’ll feel good and
make a big difference in someone’s life. Oh, and you’ll get
those CLE credits you’ve been meaning to get for months
Want to help protect victims
from future harm? Check
out the program on the
March 24. You’ll be taught
everything you need to
know to represent victims
of domestic violence in
Temporary Protective Order
hearings. Passionate about
children with special needs
in educational settings?
Check out three separate
trainings on March 19, 24
and 31.
March 2015
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association