The Atlanta Lawyer March 2013 | Page 3

The ATlAnTA The atlanta Lawyer laWYer Volume 11, no.7 chaIrS hon. Diane e. bessen hon. sara l. Doyle EdITorIaL board enjoliqué aytch r.scott ferber michael goldberg michael Jablonski hamida Jackson-little Jeffrey ray Kuester hon. christopher J. mcfadden rachel platt Jacquelyn h. saylor eric p. schroeder paul sherman ian e. smith gregory m. taube march 2013 In This Issue: presiDent’s message advISorS lynn m. roberson Wade h. Watson iii pro bono march madness...................................................................................... 4 atlanta Bar association president Lynn m. roberson Swift Currie McGhee & Hiers featureD articles nelson mullins establishes the Ken millwood law scholarship.......................10 hispanic national bar association conference...................................................14 Vice president/president-elect Wade h. Watson III Caldwell & Watson secretary Jacquelyn h. Saylor The Saylor Law Firm update from the chief Justice’s commission on professionalis atlanta bar association neWs anD notes about the cover...................................................................................................... 5 pro bono march madness session information................................................ 6 pro bono march madness testimonials.......................................................... 7 congratulations..................................................................................................... 9 presidents summit................................................................................................ 12 past presidents Dinner......................................................................................... 13 estate planning & probate section update........................................................ 15 family law's growing impact on all practice areas: a survey for atlanta bar section members.............................................................................. 16 atlanta council of Younger lawyers membership committee........................ 18 real estate section update................................................................................. 20 the elder law section's new pro bono project is underway!........................ 21 leadership award luncheon honoring William m. ragland Jr........................ 22 2012-2013 atlanta bar association board of Directors..................................... 23 gatherings............................................................................................................. 24 law school outreach committee....................................................................... 27 Did You Know?...................................................................................................... 31 the atlanta lawyer (issn-04038428/ups-018068) is published bi-monthly by the atlanta bar association, 400 international tower, 229 peachtree street ne, atlanta ga 30303-1601. the editorial board of the atlanta lawyer will consider all articles and letters sub mitted for publication, however it reserves the right to reject articles and letters submitted. articles are judged on importance of topic, clarity, and timeliness. the editorial board gives priority to articles promoting the activities of the association and its members. the board reserves the right to edit or rewrite an article as a condition of publication. articles and letters may be submitted by e-mail to mariana pannell at mpannell@ the membership is encouraged to submit letters to the editor. the atlanta lawyer reserves the right to edit for style, length, and continuity. all letters must include the author’s name. periodicals postage paid at atlanta, ga. postmaster: send address changes to the atlanta lawyer, 400 international tower, 229 peachtree street ne, atlanta ga 30303-1601. subscription rate: $20 for non-members, $1 of a member’s dues pays for an annual subscription. The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association treasurer harold E. Franklin Jr. Caldwell & Watson immediate past president rita a. Sheffey Hunton & Williams LLP acYl president nicole G. Iannarone Georgia State University College of Law members at large Eric W. anderson Parker Hudson Rainer & Dobbs, LLP James d. “Jim” blitch Iv Beal & Blitch, LLP Louis r. cohan Cohan Law Group, LLC harold E. Franklin King & Spalding Karen d. Fultz Cozen O’Connor Jonathan E. hawkins Foltz Martin LLC dawn michele Jones King & Spalding robert milton Lewis Jr. U.S. Department of Labor Gregory T. presmanes Bovis Kyle & Burch, LLC michael J. rust Gray, Rust, St. Amand, Moffett & Brieske, LLP margaret h. (maggie) vath Vath Law LLC Steven a. Wagner U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Atlanta District Office ryan K. Walsh Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP aba Delegate rita a. Sheffey Hunton & Williams LLP Gate city bar association president Lynnette d. Espy-Williams Cozen O’Connor legal counsel marc a. rawls Sutherland march 2013 ThE aTLanTa LaWYEr 3