law school outreach committee
Law School outreach committee helping to make Law Students practice-ready
he atlanta bar association’s law school outreach
Committee is working in tandem with all five Georgia
law schools to help make law students practiceready. the committee, co-chaired by dawn m. Jones
and margaret “maggie” hughes vath, is comprised of
practicing attorneys, career services professionals, and law
professors. it was recently revived to help law students
become comfortably integrated into the bar and transition
smoothly and successfully into the practice of law. on
saturday, february 2, 2013, the committee held a section
fair at atlanta’s John marshall law school that provided
students and newly-minted lawyers the chance to meet and
socialize with attorney representatives from many of the
atlanta bar association sections. the fair was an excellent
opportunity for students to speak with attorneys practicing in
their areas of interest. the committee also hosted a mock
interview/resume review Workshop at emory university
school of law on saturday, february 16, 2013. over 30
students were mock-interviewed by panels of two to three
attorney volunteers with diverse backgrounds from varied
practice settings, and received feedback on their interview
skills and recommendations to improve their resumes.
the committee is continuing these efforts throughout the
remainder of the school-year with additional networking
opportunities for students in the spring and the production
of several instructional videos. the committee will host a
happy hour on thursday, april 4, 2013 in conjunction with
the spring southeast legal hiring conference. the happy
hour is co-sponsored by the atlanta bar’s atlanta council
of Younger lawyers and the litigation section. the happy
hour will provide students with a formal program on “effective
networking” as well as an informal and practical opportunity
to network with peers and practicing attorneys.
these initiatives would not be possible without the support of
atlanta bar members. if you would like to participate, please
contact mariana pannell at [email protected]. ■
Law School outreach committee co-chairs
dawn m. Jones, King & Spalding
margaret "maggie" vath, Vath Law, LLC
rahmah abdulaleem, King & Spalding
LaTonya askew, Askew Law & Associates
Janene browder, Alcovy Judicial Circuit
Lori Gelchion, Roger & Hardin LLP
brandy hughes, FiberLight, LLC
margaret J. (meg) Kochuba, Paul Hastings LLP
Stephen T. Labriola, Fellows LaBriola LLP
Lisa Liang, Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc.
rhani m. Lott, Hunton & Williams LLP
david c. Lowance, Alston & Bird LLP
rebecca mccorvey, Bryan Cave LLP
Sloane S. perras, Aarons’, Inc.
Yesha pittman
Jatrean m. Sanders, Leitner Williams Dooley & Napolitan PLLC
Toronda m. (Tori) Silas, Cox Enterprises, Inc.
Tiffany m. Simmons, Simmons Law
michelle valteau, Emory University
atlanta bar Vice president/president-elect Wade h. Watson III, Caldwell & Watson LLP
Jonathan Yi, Troutman Sanders LLP
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
march 2013
ThE aTLanTa LaWYEr