The Atlanta Lawyer March 2013 | Page 21

section update The Elder Law Section's new pro bono project is Underway! by Sarah r. Watchko DeBaun & Associates, P.C. a [email protected] s background, the georgia senior legal hotline, a program of Atlanta Legal Aid Society, provides brief legal advice and referrals to georgia seniors over the age of sixty. begun in 1998, the hotline is a cooperative project among Atlanta Legal Aid Society, the Georgia Division of Aging Services, the State Bar Pro Bono Project and the Atlanta Bar Association. it offers legal advice, brief services, self-help materials and referrals to seniors throughout the state, handling more than 4,200 calls a year. this project serves seniors living anywhere in georgia. attorneys can focus on the overwhelming number of new callers. section Volunteers call the hotline clients several weeks after the forms were sent, and are available to help walk them through the process of signing the documents. the hotline receives many calls regarding powers of attorney and advance directives for healthcare. after a careful screening, and when appropriate, hotline attorneys mail power of attorney and advance directive forms for its clients to complete. however, upon follow up, hotline attorneys often find that the clients never completed the forms. if you are interested in learning more about the elder law section, please stop by one of our section breakfasts, which are generally held the third Wednesday of the month, at 7:30 a.m. at the buckhead club. our next breakfast is march 20, 2013, featuring speaker brian dowd, program Director, Wavier programs, Division of medicaid/aging and special populations, Georgia Department of Community Health. the topic will be the future of long term care and medicaid in georgia. We hope to see you there! ■ elder law section volunteers have stepped in to help these hotline clients execute their documents, so that hotline We thank the georgia senior legal hotline for working with us on this project, and look forward to helping more georgia seniors in need. also, a special thanks to Jay Fox, Esq., section Vice-chair/chair elect and hotline Volunteer, for organizing and administering the project. Attorneys & Legal Professionals Needed IMMEDIATELY Finding the perfect job has never been easier. The Atlanta Bar Career Center is custom tailored to our business. > POST YOUR RESUME TODAY > ACCESS PREMIER JOB POSTINGS > RECEIVE JOBS VIA EMAIL C AREER CENTER > LAND THE PERFECT JOB Attorneys & Legal Professionals Needed The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association IMMEDIATELY march 2013 ThE aTLanTa LaWYEr 21