presidents summit
on monday, february 18, 2013 the atlanta bar association hosted a
presidents summit, inviting leaders from metro area and statewide bar
associations to join together and discuss issues facing their associations.
top row left to right –
michael L. bishop (president, north fulton bar association), J. Thomas Salata (president-elect, north fulton bar
association), rita a. Sheffey (immediate past president, atlanta bar association), Terri beck (executive Director, atlanta
bar association), darrell L. Sutton (president-elect, state bar of georgia Young lawyers Division), robert m. Lewis Jr.
(past president, stonewall bar association).
bottom row, left to right –
christopher J. chan (President, Georgia Asian Pacific American Bar Association), Laurie S. robbins (board member,
sandy springs bar association), June Towery (Korean american bar of georgia), Tuwanda rush Williams (president,
gwinnett county bar association), rebecca K. Glatzer (president, stonewall bar association), Wade h. Watson (presidentelect, atlanta bar association), Lynn m. roberson (president, atlanta bar association), Susan c. campbell (president,
georgia association for Women lawyers) and Yenniffer S. delgado (Vice president, georgia hispanic bar association).
ThE aTLanTa LaWYEr
march 2013
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association