The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2020 Vol. 19, No. 1 | Page 4
Message From the
President -
Surf 's Up
Sometimes the best lessons in life are the ones
you were not expecting.
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC
[email protected]
hope this finds you
and those who are
dear to you well. One
of best things about
being a member
of the Atlanta Bar
Association is,
well, associating.
Spending time with
judges, lawyers,
law professors, and
law students enriches our work and our
lives. It grounds us in something bigger
than ourselves: the broad horizons of the
law, which, however imperfectly, affords
our society a measure of justice and
stability lacking elsewhere. Yet we can’t
get together in person, and we miss it.
Once again the Atlanta Bar members—
that’s you—are on the cutting edge. More of
you are attending Section events by Zoom,
Hangout, etc. than pre-COVID. A new
Section—Privacy and Cybersecurity Law—
is forming. Easy-to-grab and excellent
virtual CLE continues apace. Keyed to
associates and summer associates, our
recent Access Atlanta Bar: Summer Series
event—a great panel of Atlanta judges—
drew a big crowd on Zoom, followed by
An Insider’s Guide to the City. Our stellar
mentoring program, SideBar, is evolving.
So you’re improvising, adapting, pivoting.
It is inspiring to see so
many Atlanta lawyers
surfing the unconventional
waves of our times.
It is inspiring to see so many Atlanta lawyers
surfing the unconventional waves of our
times. Cutting back to get to the surf line,
popping up when a wave throws us, grabbing
the board’s nose with all ten, closing out
when a wave takes us nowhere, cresting
waves and shooting through air, counting
the seconds of a groundswell, even wiping
out and paddling out to the line-up. Sure,
there’s Zen in going it alone. But we and
our City and the law are better served when
we’re in it together. So join us. Surf ’s up.
Changing gears a moment,
given the recent killings,
including Rayshard Brooks
in Atlanta, would you please
consider joining me in the
21-Day Racial Equity Habit
Building Challenge? You can
find the syllabus on the ABA’s
website or others. Each day
for fifteen or so minutes, you
read, listen, or take in a short
assignment. The Challenge
isn’t about agreeing. It’s actually
about something harder:
seeing another human being.
Stay well.
Craig Cleland
Atlanta Bar Association President
4 June/July 2020