Schaeffer, and I learned more about the Bar. And I
learned of the Bar’s new motto: “lawyers who serve.”
Thank you David.
And what a fitting motto it is, because, of course: To
whom much is given much is required.
I’m so very delighted to be in a position to continue
the Atlanta Bar’s tradition of lawyers who serve. To
continue the wonderful new community and mem-
bership initiatives developed by the Past-Presidents.
To continue to cultivate and nurture the Atlanta Bar’s
Law School Outreach Committee, as a way to welcome
new lawyers into the Atlanta Bar world. I’m grateful for
this opportunity. I’m grateful to the Past-Presidents,
especially Immediate Past President Jim Blitch and
I’m grateful to Diane O’Steen and to Terri Bryant.
edge, a virtual treasure trove of intellect, wisdom,
and talent. Of compassion, of character, and a great
willingness to help and to get involved. Great talent.
Fresh, bright faces yearning to make a difference; to
seek justice; to right wrongs.
History has its eyes on us.
Because to whom much is given much is required.
Margaret Hughes Vath
President, Atlanta Bar Association
I’m grateful to my Mom, who was sad to miss the
annual meeting because she was too sick to travel.
Luckily, she was well enough for long text marathons
and photo montages about exactly what I would be
wearing. Thank you Mom.
I’m grateful to my Dad, who passed away from brain
cancer five years ago, but who would have been so, so
proud to see me today. Thank you Dad.
I’m grateful for the support of my husband Michael.
This is going to be a very busy year. I’m glad he will
be holding down the fort. And, as I told him from the
podium at the annual meeting, “it’s not just a busy year
for me—you have some obligations as first gentleman.
So, dust off that tuxedo, good lookin’.”
I’m grateful to my son Vincent, who is always a good
sport about being dragged around to mommy’s vol-
unteer activities. My path has taken me through a lot
of titles: counselor, professor, producer, soon-to-be
legal writing director, not-so-soon-to-be Doctor, now
Madam President, but the most cherished and most
important title is: Mom. Thank you Vincent.
And thank you to all of you. Those in the packed
ballroom of the Piedmont Driving Club, and those of
you reading this message: we have a wealth of knowl-
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER