1 Immediate Past President Harold E. Franklin passes the
gavel to President James D. Blitch IV.
2 From left to right: Honorable Gail S. Tusan, Chief Judge,
Fulton County Superior Court and recipient of the 2015-16
Professionalism Award with Yolanda Lewis.
3 The Liberty Bell Award is presented to Retired Police
Chief Frank V. Rotondo, Executive Director, Georgia
Association of Chiefs of Police.
4 The Liberty Bell Award is presented to Fredricka
June/July 2016
Whitfield, CNN News.
5 From left to right are (back row) W. Michael
D'Antignac, Rachel Spears, Jonathan E. Hawkins, Christopher P. Lightner, Rita A. Sheffey, M. Gino Brogdon Jr.
(front row) Lisa K. Liang, Ryan K. Walsh, President James
D. Blitch IV, Immediate Past President Harold E. Franklin,
Jr., Niole G. Iannarone, and Craig Cleland.