The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2015 | Page 6

Feature Article Why JOIN THE ATLANTA BAR? By Jessica J. Wood with contributions by Joe Hoffman, Lynn Roberson, Rita Sheffey, Will Smith A s the Atlanta Bar starts its new fiscal year, helmed by President Harold Franklin, it is a great time for you to consider joining, re-joining and encouraging others to join our Bar. Consider the following incentives. 1. CLE/education. Did you know that your membership entitles you to a $75 CLE coupon? You can choose from a variety of convenient live presentations and webcasts including the upcoming Fantasy Supreme Court League: The Final Four, The Passion of the Barrister: An Ethical Lawyer is a Happy Lawyer and Understanding Patent Law. 2. Friendship. Former Atlanta Bar President Rita Sheffey, Assistant Dean for Public Service at Emory Law School points out that the Bar “is all about the wonderful people -- great networking, leadership opportunities, and lifelong friendships.” The varied events create an excellent foundation for learning more about other attendees and forming closer relationships. 3. Health. Business litigator and Atlanta Bar Basketball League Co-Commissioner Joe Hoffman touts the benefits of “breaking a sweat with fellow lawyers.” For more information, please contact Other active options include the Atlanta Bar Legal Runaround 5K. 4. Leadership opportunities. The Atlanta Bar has twentytwo Sections, as well as a Law Student Outreach Committee, Membership Committee and Managing Partners Committee. You have plenty of opportunities for participation and input. 5. Mentoring. Former Atlanta Bar President Lynn Roberson points out that “being active in the bar has given me so much in terms of leadership opportunities and now in my later years of practice, opportunities to really give back to the younger folks coming up through the ranks. It has been a very rewarding ride and I have definitely taken out far more than I have put in!” 7. Professional development. Lynn Roberson, a litigator, notes that her Bar involvement allows her “to get to know many and varied members of the bar and bench in a nonadversarial setting (and for them to get to know ME) so that professional actions go more smoothly and I feel more comfortable in the courtroom and deposition conference room. I also get to learn from the best as only the best lawyers and judges show up regularly at bar events, I think because they are committed to making the practice of law better.” Personal injury attorney Will Smith echoes these sentiments: “it matters to me that I know and respect opposing counsel. The Atlanta Bar puts me in conta