us too. I would invite all the other members of various affinity
bars, local bars and specialty bars to also join us and bring
us your us your valuable experience.
Just a reminder that under the Georgia Rules of Professional
Conduct, Rule 6.1 which describes Voluntary Pro Bono
Public Service, you get credit for serving on bar association
committees and boards, taking part in Law Day activities,
acting as a continuing legal education instructor, participation
in activities for improving the laws, the legal system or the
legal profession. The Georgia Supreme Court asks all of the
lawyers in this state to donate pro bono service.
I know you are on constant watch for RISKS your clients
face. I’m talking about RISK and the Atlanta Bar in the same
speech. I must rise to the occasion and meet the mission
of The Atlanta Bar. I must motivate our leaders and you, as
members, to join me in fulfilling this mission. I’m going to
need you to answer the call for volunteers and leaders on a
variety of fronts. I’m going to need you to be willing to raise
money for us in a variety of ways, from a variety of sources
that we have not looked to in the recent past.
There are many risks facing us at the Bar:
• The risk of being a leading organization - The Atlanta
Bar, like most traditional, voluntary bars across the country,
is affected with decreasing paid membership. Although we
are the largest voluntary bar in the Southeast, our annual
revenues are not as high as they once were.
• The risk of innovating and changing with the times • The risk of being humble leaders - To invite others to join
us and commit to being more relevant so that we can improve
our community.
The best leaders are humble leaders. I think this is an even
greater challenge when managing risk, when managing
an organization that must find its future. Standing on the
shoulders of our history, means we must strive to do better
than ever before. We have made it through the recession and
our staff transitions, but now we need to return to our mission
to engage and lead.
can.” I am in this role because I am proud of the Atlanta Bar
and all its leaders and members. And I know we can do more
and set an exciting course for the future. I believe you want
greater reasons to engage. I believe you want great leaders.
Specifically, my two themes for the year are engagement
and leadership.
ENGAGEMENT - “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win
glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than
to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much
nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that
knows neither victory nor defeat.” ― The 26th U.S. President
Theodore Roosevelt.
• Volunteer on The Atlanta Lawyer Editorial Board. Be
published. We have seed money to get The Atlanta Lawyer
published in print. We need sponsors, advertising and section
• Establish a Social/Cultural Committee. Cocktail or desert
parties would be held in homes close to the venue.
• W7F&Ɨ6