On April 24, 2014, the Sole Practitioner/Small Firm hosted a Luncheon at Gordon Biersch. Shown from left to right are Brian
Mock (Insured Benefit Plans), Secretary Rob Huestis (Hudson & Huestis, LLP) and Howard Silvermintz (InsurAtlanta).
Mock and Silvermintz spoke on “Making Health Plan Decisions post Healthcare Reform for Small Businesses.”
On May 1, 2014, the Real Estate Section hosted a Breakfast at
Arnall Golden Gregory. Shown from left to right are Real Estate
Sponsor Michael Bull (Bull Realty, Inc.), Real Estate Vice Chair/
Chair-Elect Jonathan L. Neville (Arnall Golden Gregory), Section
Chair Michael Leavey (Dorough & Dorough, LLC), and David
B. Kitchens (Kitchens Kelly Gaynes, P.C.). Bull, Neville and
Kitchens spoke on “Retail Real Estate Update.”
June/July 2014
On May 7, 2014, the Dispute Resolution Section hosted a
Breakfast at the Buckhead Club. Shown from left to right
are Bruce Barrickman (Barrickman, Allred & Young and
BAY Mediation) and Vice Chair/Chair-Elect Rex Smith
(Maby & McClelland). Barrickman spoke on “Choosing a
Mediator: What Considerations Are Involved?”
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association