2014 Annual Meeting
On May 20, 2014, the Atlanta Bar Association hosted its Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon. The Law Firm Service Award,
5-24 members, was presented to Berman Fink Van Horn PC. Pictured from left to right are Ben Fink, Charles Van Horn
and Kristin Zielmanski, all of Berman Fink Van Horn, PC.
Section of the Year Award presented
to Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers
Section Chair Kristin Zielmanski
(Berman Fink Van Horn PC).
June/July 2014
Charles E. Watkins, Jr. Award
presented to Catherine O’Neil (King
& Spalding LLP).
Distinguished Service Award presented
to James D. Blitch IV (Blitch Law PC).
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association