Bench & Bar Reception
Speed.” So imagine my shock when a couple of months ago
my wife and I went out to dinner with Cindy and Trudy and,
when the valet brought Cindy’s car around, it was an SUV!
This was like seeing Mario Andretti driving a Ford Fusion. It
was then I knew that Cindy needed to retire in order to try to
reclaim her standing as the fastest judge in North America.
Not to mention that a sports car would look much better on
the coast of Mexico. I congratulate Cindy on justly receiving
the Bleckley Award for Judicial Excellence.”
From Judge Wendy Shoob:
One of the first times I remember getting to
know Cindy was at a State Court conference
in North Georgia. She had a mountain
house near the hotel and she invited me
to stay with her. After drinks and dinner at
the hotel, Cindy was driving us back to her
house. Suddenly, she made a quick right
turn into some random neighborhood and
stopped. She got out of the car and told me
that I had to drive. We switched seats, got
back on the road, only to meet a state patrol
roadblock ahead. Thanks Cindy! She is a
good friend, smart and tenacious, funny and
loyal, adventurous and fearless. I feel lucky
that she is in my corner and that she is my
We spoke shortly before the ceremony and she shared with
me that she was so very sad to be leaving her position with
Governor Miller and that she might break down and cry
during her acceptance speech. I strongly admonished her
that women cannot cry at public events, but to my surprise,
the only one who did cry was Governor Miller. A lovely tribute
to their friendship.
And with that, it is my distinct honor and pleasure to present
to you my dearest of friends, the Honorable Cynthia D. Wright.
From Judge Jane Barwick:
Governor George Busbee used to call Cindy
“Two,” because that was her extension on his
phone. He continued to call her that for as
long as they knew each other.
From Kyla Lines, Esq.:
As her former staff attorney, I remember when
I went into private practice, Judge Wright
insisted on being my client and purchased
the first hour of my time as her attorney. I
never cashed the check and never intended
to, preferring instead to keep it as a wonderful
reminder of my admiration for the Judge.
From Justice Carol Hunstein:
I was honored when Cindy, then Executive
Counsel to Governor Zell Miller, asked me
to introduce her when she was sworn in as
Judge of the State Court of Fulton County.
I had encouraged her to consider becoming
a judge because I felt that the dynamics
and challenges of the bench would hold her
interest for longer than most of her previous
positions, as she did have a reputation for
frequently changing jobs, houses, and cars.
On May 13, 2014 the Litigation Section hosted the 2014 Bench & Bar Reception
at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP. Shown from left to right are
Section Chair J. Matthew Maguire (Parks Chesin & Walbert, PC) and the
2014 Logan E. Bleckley Award Recipient The Hon. Cynthia D. Wright (Chief
Judge, Superior Court of Fulton County).
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
June/July 2014