The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2012 | Page 7

president’s message In October 2011, we played a key role in celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Multi-Bar Leadership Council, begun by my predecessor Seth Kirshenbaum during his year as Atlanta Bar President. Following that retreat, we organized a summit of the Presidents and Presidents-elect of area bar associations, on Presidents’ Day, in the Presidents’ Board room at the Bar Center. It was such a wonderful gathering, full of energy and ideas for collaboration, that we immediately agreed to make it an annual event, with periodic lunch meetings during the year. The second annual Presidents’ Summit is scheduled for February 18, 2013. In April 2012, we hosted a special presentation about the soon-to-be built National Center for Civil and Human Rights, co-sponsored by the Gate City, GABWA, GAWL, and Stonewall Bar Associations. It was a special evening and motivated us to do even more together. And we joined Gate City, GABWA, GAWL and Stonewall for other events during the year. And at the national level, for the second consecutive year, we participated in a panel before the National Conference of Bar Presidents on our initiatives to enhance public trust in our profession, and we have urged leaders to continue those programs on at least an annual basis. Public Interest Organizations and Community Service Partners In May 2011, I challenged 100% of our Sections to become engaged in pro bono. Many are engaged in pro bono efforts, but we have not achieved 100%. We have more work to do and our Pro Bono and Community Service Committee, chaired by Judge Susan Edlein and Melody Richardson, continues to work hard to achieve that goal. Our numerous pro bono activities continue and are strong, including the Celebrating Service Luncheon and Pro Bono Fair, and Pro Bono March Madness CLE. And through our Foundation and Lawyer Referral Service, we continue to provide grants to support our pro bono programs and public interest organizations. As I wrote in the May 2011 issue of this publication, individually and collectively, we need to do more to support our public interest and pro bono providers financially. Several of our Sections, particularly including Litigation, are leaders in this regard, as are many of our Members. I hope you have seen our increased focus on promoting our three Community Service Partners: Everybody Wins!; Atlanta’s Table, the Atlanta Community Food Bank; and our newest partner, ServiceJuris. We intend to expand our efforts to promote their activities in the coming years. The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association Our Bar Family Although we focused on external relationships, we did not neglect our bar family this year. In addition to the new lease for expanded office space, largely being furnished by generous donations from several law firms, we approved amended and restated bylaws replacing the ones first adopted in 1978 and amended 78 times since. Through our amended agreement with our sponsor IST, we will have printers and copiers for the new space at no additional cost, and we recently hired a fabulous new employee. And, we continue to work toward an orderly transition resulting from the retirement of two long-time valued employees. Importantly, we also focused on our related organizations. Members of our Lawyer Refe