much more recent -- the Bard Show cast. Cathy O’Neil, I do not
know how you do it. Les, thanks for being my safety net. And,
importantly, the State Bar of Georgia, which has a table today and
rescheduled a meeting of the Atlanta delegates so we could have
this annual meeting today. Thanks, Cliff, Paula, Ken, and others.
In addition to getting involved with the Atlanta Bar, I encourage
more of you to get involved in our State Bar. I have met so many
wonderful people around the state and thoroughly enjoy the
committee work and my vice on the Board of Governors.
So, what can you expect from me as Atlanta Bar President over
the next 366 days? Yes, 2012 will be a leap year.
The faithful among you know that many presidents create or adopt
signature projects. Some projects are successful and last for years.
Others may